donderdag 20 januari 2011

Sport sponsoring and Alcohol

Sports en alcohol goes in the normal way not together. However, nowadays sports and alcohol seems to have a strong connection to eachother. Alcohol and sports are closely intertwined. This is happend because, the alcohol industry prepared in 1990 their own rules about alcohol advertising and marketing. When they made the rules they give themselve no limitation to advertise with alcohol.

Here are some examples off sportsactivities that are sponsored by an company how make alcoholic drinks.

Bavaria City Racing
This event that every year come back to the Netherlands in Rotterdam, is defined by Bavaria as the biggest Dutch Formula 1 Event. In 2008 the event attracted more than 500,000 visitors. Almost 70,000 visitors are children(between 0-19 years old). In short, thousands of children where during the Bavaria City Racing intensively exposed by alcohol.

Heineken Champions League
Before 2005 the UEFA Champions League were sponsored by Amstel Beer(also a product of Heineken). Since 2006 Heineken put the Heineken brand as focal point on the greatest football league of Europe. The Champions League is football, only Europe best football teams will be allowed to play in this league. Because this league have the best teams of Europe and there played the best players off the world, there are a lot of television viewers who love to watch this. Per season the Champions League watched by 140 million viewers spread over some 227 countries. It goes without saying that among this huge number of viewers, also a huge number of minors contains. This minors also see the commercials and the advertising of Heineken.

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