woensdag 19 januari 2011

History of sports sponsorship!

First I wanna thank you for visiting my Blog. This is a school project, and we have to write 12 blogs about a subject thats related to marketing. So I choose (Sport)sponsorship. In my first blog I want to tell something about the history of sports sponsorship. The history of sports sponsorship goes back to the time of the Greeks and the Romans. Rich people supported athletes and gladiators to be so populair by the public. More professional sports sponsorship we first see at the end of the 19th century. England already knew the professional football players. They play football and got money from the people out of the business world. There was also a man named Jaap Eden how earns a decent salary with cycling. The real breakthrough of sports sponsorship in Europe came in 1950. Sportbrands, newspapers and some car companies starts also with sponsoring from the years 1970 and became sports sponsorship in an additional momentum when extra sports brands (brands that have nothing to do with sport) sport as a communication discovered.

New products came on the market that adressed the new lifestyle, such as soft drink and color television. For these introductions were bigger advertising budgets available. In this years there came als new companies led by more dynamic entrepreneurs. These developments were certainly not at first received with cheers. The newspapers said it was a disgrace: the sport was abused, they claimed. Caps with logos were carefully out of sight of television cameras. In later periods sponsoring get many angry, worried and emotional reactions loosened. No other marketing tool was discussed so as heavy as sponsorship.

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